Solid Content in Floor Finish vs. Sugar Refract Rating:

Which One Is More Popular in Commercial Floor Finishes and Why

When it comes to commercial floor finishes, there are different measurements that manufacturers use to denote the quality of their products. Two of the most common measurements used are solid content and sugar refract rating. While both are important factors to consider, one is more popular than the other. This blog post will discuss the difference between solid content and sugar refract rating and why one is more popular than the other in commercial floor finishes.

Why Solid Content is More Popular:
Solid content measurement has become more popular than sugar refract rating because it accurately represents a finish’s toughness and durability. Additionally, solid content ratings account for additional technologies used in the floor finish, such as nanotechnology or rubbing durability agents, so the measurement is more comprehensive. Furthermore, facility managers and building operators prefer floor finishes with higher solid content ratings because they offer protection against heavy foot traffic, scuffing, and chemicals.

How to Determine the Best Floor Finish:
When it comes to deciding which floor finish to use, there are several factors to consider, including the type of traffic the floor will receive, whether the finish is for indoor or outdoor use, and the level of maintenance required. For instance, high-solids finishes are ideal for high-traffic areas, while low-solids finishes may be suitable for less busy areas. Manufacturers label their products with solid content and sugar refract ratings so you can decide which measurement is more important to you based on your needs.

In conclusion, solid content measurement is more popular than sugar refract rating due to its accuracy and comprehensive nature. Facility managers and building operators no longer rely on sugar refract rating as it is outdated, and there are newer technologies available that contribute to a finish’s toughness and durability. When choosing a floor finish, ensure you consider the type of traffic, indoor or outdoor use, and maintenance required, among other factors. It is recommended that you opt for finishes with higher solid content to offer maximum durability and protection against traffic, scuffing and chemicals. I hope you found this blog post informative and helpful in your decision-making process.

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